Posts tagged Strategy
10 Social Media Things To Do In 10 Minutes

You say you don’t have time for social media? Bah! It’s time to make time—10 minutes, to be exact. “But I’m so overwhelmed—I have so much are my plate,” you say. Yes, we all do… but it’s time to make the time, cracking on your social media marketing strategy to attract attention to your services and products online. Being the super-awesome helpful peeps we are, we’re going to give you 10 social media things to do in 10 minutes.

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Social Media Strategies for Startups and Small Business

Did you lose sight of your New Year's resolutions? We blinked and it was over. Trust us, it doesn't matter, because the good news is you still have everything ahead of you to implement and ramp up a plan for a social media campaign. And now that you’ve broken all those pesky New Year resolutions, you have more time to spend on social media strategy for your startup or new small business.

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