Posts tagged Startup
Why Quality Content is King

The 2020s marks a new era for content generators. Never before has quality content been as important for the growth of business on the web as it will be in the 2020s. How do we know this? Well, just look at the changes Google made in 2019. When welcoming BERT, Google's latest search algorithm, the search engine powerhouse can detect language nuances like never before with NLP or natural language processing. So if you've been generating your blog posts, with an old algorithm it’s time to change your wicked ways and testify!

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Social Media Strategies for Startups and Small Business

Did you lose sight of your New Year's resolutions? We blinked and it was over. Trust us, it doesn't matter, because the good news is you still have everything ahead of you to implement and ramp up a plan for a social media campaign. And now that you’ve broken all those pesky New Year resolutions, you have more time to spend on social media strategy for your startup or new small business.

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