Our Top 5 Social Media Pet Peeves

Looking to run your business well? Here’s a list of social media pet peeves your audience doesn’t like

Sometimes, the most useful content can also be the most boring. Like the practical and maybe a bit boring. But you need this information, and more importantly, so do your readers. You know you need to get this info to your readers, but you don’t want them to tune out or leave your blog entirely. What’s a blogger to do? Don’t worry—there’s hope for the boring content.

After being active in social media for quite some time now, we’ve put together a list of our top social media pet peeves. Go through it and see if you’re guilty of any of submitting your friends and followers to these pet peeves.

  1. Buy this now! You know, you should really buy this. Have we mentioned that you should really buy this? This kind of social media updating is the equivalent of spam. Selling your product/service using social media is great, but it shouldn’t be all that you do.

  2. Way too personal. Nobody, with the exception of your doctor, has any business knowing your personal information. So leave these types of updates off your social media accounts and save them for your next checkup.

  3. People and businesses update their status constantly. People get their fix of someone filling up our wall with constant updates or tweets of every move they make. Once or twice a day is a plenty—not once or twice every couple of hours.

  4. Lack of Variety. Do you talk about the same old, same old day in and day out? Don’t be a one-trick pony. Your blog needs to focus on a wide variety of relevant industry topics.  And while you’re at it, switch up the style of posts you’ve been focusing on—there are plenty of other forms of content you can use to add freshness. Things like infographics, webinars and video tutorials really add variety.

  5. Infrequent Social Posts. You get really into a blog or status update, and then bam—it’s all quite suddenly. You can actually see the tumbleweeds rolling across the computer screen. If your last blog post was in 2016, people think you’re no longer in business or you’re not an expert. They’ll move on.

What are your top social media pet peeves? Have you ever been so turned off by a business or individual’s social media marketing? Share how. Send us a message on Twitter or Instagram.