Social Media Strategies for Startups and Small Business

It’s not too late to make a social media Plan for your startup or small business

Did you lose sight of your New Year's resolutions? We blinked and it was over. Trust us, it doesn't matter, because the good news is you still have everything ahead of you to implement and ramp up a plan for a social media campaign. And now that you’ve broken all those pesky New Year resolutions, you have more time to spend on social media strategy for your startup or new small business.

If your goal is to grow your business and reach using social media, you’re in for a treat. Whether you’re just starting out, planning on ramping up your efforts, or just need a few profile tweaks, this is the year that can make a difference.

Social Media Goals

Not having a plan of goals for your social media efforts is like going on a road trip without a map. With both scenarios, you’re going to get lost or simply forget where you’re going. Ask yourself, what’s the end goal or destination? You can set goals based on the number of followers, frequency of status updates, or desire to be recognized as a leader in your field. Write it down and chart down the progress you’re making. Let’s just say you wanted to gain 1,000 more Facebook fans in the next 6 months or maybe 12 months. Break that number for a target to reach weekly with a monthly target. Now you have a tangible number you can strive for.

Increase your productivity

If you’re just going to sit on your butt and hope that your social media accounts will magically draw people to your site without you lifting a finger, you’re in for a serious shock—the website is just the beginning—you need to tell people about the website, your services, or your products and you’ll do that with social media content marketing. If you’re not engaging your target audiences on social media, no one will have a real valid reason to follow you or visit your website. There are plenty of tools that streamline the social media process to help to make updating your accounts easy and efficient.  And block off a certain amount of time every day or week to devote to social media—this will ensure you do the work necessary to achieve your goals.

Tweaking Time

When was the last time you changed or edited your profile? Was the photo you’re using taken out of your high school yearbook? Is what’s listed in your profile still accurate of what you do now? Maybe you don’t even have a photo. It may be time for a social media makeover. Change up your picture, add to your list of experiences, and update your headlines. Staying fresh will make a world of difference.

What goals have you set with your social media campaign for your startup or small business? Send us a message on Twitter or Instagram and let us know.