How To Be More Productive in Business

Sometimes procrastination in business happens because you’re slacking off on doing all the things that help you be productive


Being productive is the name of the game when it comes to running a business as either a sole proprietor, freelancer, or an owner of a small business corporation. Slow and steady really does actually work because small action steps add up quickly. Read about small steps that boost productivity for small businesses.

But before the creative explosion takes place here are a few productivity tips used to keep our business, blog and life on track. You don’t need to do them all—try on one or two for size and see if they work for you. If you’re feeling more productive, then try a couple more out until you feel like you’ve got this productivity thing on schedule:

Step back and recharge. Yep, we’re all guilty of putting this one on the backburner. You need some “me” time to get in touch with what’s really important to you. This could mean meditating or daydreaming for 10 minutes. Relax and get in touch with the creative side of your brain. Let some cool and interesting visions pop into your head and inspire you to bigger and better things.

Take on a task you’re dreading. Procrastination can be your worst enemy. But remember: the sooner you deal with it, the sooner it’s off your plate and you’re not worrying about it anymore. You can even tackle it in increments each day. Set a timer for 15 minutes and work on it. If you let it just mull in your brain, it’ll suck up your energy and creativity.

Take a walk. Take your dog, kids or just put on your walking shoes and go around the block. Sometimes you need to get away from your computer to get a fresh perspective, give you a boost of energy and get that heart pumping.

Listen to music. By listening to music, you’re engaging a different part of your brain while you’re working. Studies show that music can help you craft new ideas and improve your mood. Don’t go with anything too hard or sad—classical, easy listening and jazz are safe music bets.

Clean up your desk. Contrary to popular belief, clutter is not a sign of a creative mind. In reality, it clutters your energy and your focus, on top of your workspace. Spend about 15 minutes at the beginning of the week to declutter and straighten things out. It may take a few days to get it all sorted out at first, but if you do it on a regular basis, you’ll have an easier time keeping a handle on the mess.

Social media check-out. There are times when you should be logged in to your social media accounts, like when you’re posting an update or responding to a customer. But you shouldn’t have these tabs open all the time. The alerts and the pull to keep checking up on your friends will be too hard, and your work will suffer for it. Set a time for it during the day and only check-in during those scheduled breaks.

Read a good book. And we’re not talking about a business book either. Pick up a mystery or your favourite non-fiction novel. It’s a wonderful escape for your brain when you can transport yourself into a fictional world. Besides, aren’t you always saying you never make the time to read a good book?

What do you do when you need a productivity boost? Leave your tips with us on Twitter or Instagram.